Sunday, October 16, 2011

Interview with Tina Reed, oil painting artist

Q.1 When did you first discover your creativity?

IT was the subject I enjoyed the most at school. Ive always earned a living by the paint brush! First in textile desing, then as a muralist, now as a landscape artist

Q.2 What is the art / craft that you most enjoy and why?

Oil painting. I also really enjoy making things, all types of craft and baking too

Q.3 How much time do you spend a week on your practice?

20- 30 hours

Q.4 Where do you like to work/ create the most?

My studio at home at the foot of the Paps

Q.5 Who inspires you creatively and why?

I think nature and beautiful landscapes inspire me more than a particular person. For example when I see strong light though the trees, catching on a rippling stream, shadows and contrasting colour...

Q.6 Do you set yourself creative goals?

Yes! Often more than I can achieve. I have so many paintings in my head that I haven’t got to yet.

Q.7 What is your proudest creative achievement to date?

A large  painting over a metre square, of a woodland scene that is currently in an exhibition in Central London

Q.8 Do you believe that social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc. are important for promoting your work and what opportunities have they presented for you?

I do think theyre important and its made a difference for me having a facebook page

Q.9 What advice would you give to somebody wanting to make a business from their art / craft?

Be prepared to work hard and not to give up. Have something a bit different, but it has to be something people actually want and can use or live with when its hanging on their walls- I find big disturbing abstract paintings don’t sell as well as relaxing woodland scenes!

Q.10 What have you most enjoyed about your creative journey to date and what are you most looking forward to over the next 12 months.

Doing a job that I enjoy...and never doing a days ‘work’- lucky me! More painting. Hoping to do some more large scale work where I can really lay on the paint and build up big textures

Q.11 Finally, what does it mean to you to pass on your skills and experience through teaching?

Its a privilege to see people discover what they can do, and be part of their joy. Its also wonderful to meet so many people.

Daisies at Dingle By Tina Reed

Where you can find out more about Tina Reed

*** We are delighted to announce that we upcoming oil painting workshops with Tina Reed at The Crafty Alley Shop. You can book a place online here or by calling the shop on 0646630800. Please note Tina keeps her workshops numbers small to provide quality tuition so please book early to avoid disappointment. ***